Just like the sun,
You light up my life.
Just like the stars,
Your smile shines bright.
Like the moon shines in the night,
So is your beauty to me.
When you walked into my life,
You brought joy to my life.
My life was so empty,
Before I met you.
I was so lost,
Before I met you.
I didn’t know which path to choose,
But I’m thankful to you,
Whom I chose
Because you’ve brought joy to my life.
In my heart and soul,
I feel you’ve been created for me.
I’ve searched near and far,
But found none like you.
My heart and soul
Cries out to you.
Such a blessing to me,
Because you bring joy to my life.
A positive influence in my life,
A positive direction for my life,
You build me up with inspiration,
Your words are motivational.
I am stronger and more blessed in life
For your love brings joy to my life.
I love you!